Civil Litigation

Civil proceedings are usually initiated by individuals seeking monetary compensation, recovery of property, or performance of legal liability. Individuals, companies, and even the government can be parties to civil litigation. The party filing the complaint is referred to as the "plaintiff," and the party sued is the "defendant."
The plaintiff or claimant must exercise the burden of proof and use the trade-off of possibilities as a criterion to justify its claim.
Civil disputes can be a complicated process. Resolving a civil dispute can be a grueling process. You and the opposing side may have conflicting interests and be reluctant to compromise. We understand the importance of choosing the right lawyer and the best law firm to handle litigation or controversies that could result in litigation. Our litigation lawyers have extensive case-handling experience and can draw on broad subject matter knowledge throughout the firm as necessary to support your positions. We have the resources to adequately staff cases and the sensitivity to avoid overstaffing. We look for approaches that will be most effective, taking into account economic and non-economic objectives. If you find yourself in this situation, you need experienced legal counsel that is not afraid to tackle tough legal questions.
Individuals and businesses often find themselves involved in a legal dispute with another party. These disputes typically become matters resolved through civil litigation, which entails using courts or arbitrators for adjudication.
For plaintiffs in civil litigation, the objective is to right a wrong, honor an agreement, or obtain compensation for an injury. On the other hand, defendants in a civil litigation matter want to aggressively protect their rights in opposing the plaintiff’s claim.
Whether you are a plaintiff or defendant, hiring a qualified civil litigation attorney is crucial in achieving a successful outcome in your case. Our civil litigation attorneys represent plaintiffs and defendants including individuals, partnerships, shareholders, and corporations in all aspects of litigation, including:
Business related litigation
Breach of contract
Dissolution or breakup of a business
Unfair business practices
Business disputes
Trade secrets
Non-compete covenants
Breach of warranties
Mechanics’ liens
Personal litigation
Personal injury
Product liability
Administrative law
Preliminary and permanent injunctions
Real estate and construction litigation
Real estate litigation
Landlord-tenant litigation
Construction defects
Premises liability
Our civil litigation attorneys work closely with clients to evaluate their potential claims or defenses related to commercial, professional, employment, and personal disputes. We represent clients before administrative agencies, alternative dispute resolution proceedings such as mediation or arbitration, jury or court trials in state and federal court, and proceedings before appellate courts. We help clients prepare their cases and counsel them on the steps and procedures involved. A skilled civil litigation attorney can also help clients leverage their negotiating position to reach a beneficial settlement. A negotiated settlement is often the most expedient and cost-effective way to resolve many disputes.
Pursuing court litigation may be the best or only option if a dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation. In these situations, our civil litigation attorneys will collaborate with experts including investigators, accountants, economic impact analysts, and other relevant professionals to achieve a successful outcome.
Blumsack & Canzano’s litigation practice has successfully achieved results in various controversial work – federal and state, trial and appellate, international and domestic, arbitration, and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. Our litigation attorneys regularly handle complex commercial litigation, class actions, international litigation, securities litigation, bankruptcy and creditors' rights matters, product liability and mass disaster cases, white collar and enforcement defense cases, and labor and employment matters. We apply our deep experience in handling matters in key industries, including construction, government contracts, aviation, and maritime.
The litigation lawyers at Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. have extensive experience in complex civil cases and are good at handling difficult legal issues. Our lawyers have extensive experience defending individuals and companies, defending numerous civil lawsuits involving contract disputes, emotional distress claims, construction disputes, employment claims, and consumer protection claims. The team of lawyers will explore all possible solutions and is always ready to negotiate on your behalf. Our lawyers and assistants will identify potential appeal issues in the early stages of litigation and ensure we have an advantage. When you work with Blumsack & Canzano, P.C., you will have a team of lawyers with a wealth of knowledge to serve you. Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. will alleviate your worries, answer the risks related to your appeal or being sued, and safeguard your rights and interests.
With offices across the U.S. and international offices and relationships that give us a global reach, we can mobilize wherever and whenever you need us. Working with our litigation practice means partnering with problem solvers who have gone toe-to-toe with some of the toughest adversaries in the country.
Our ultimate goal is two-fold: to create opportunities for you to prevail in your dispute and to provide you with the value that results from having an efficient, seamlessly integrated team for addressing any case or controversy in which we are engaged.