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Andrew Li 

Of Counsel

Nanjing, China

Professional Experience

Mr. Li specializes in resolving foreign-related legal disputes and has the experience of independently participating in international arbitration in English on behalf of Chinese enterprises. He is one of the few Chinese lawyers who can participate in international arbitration in English. Cross-border transactions are also his area of expertise, with extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions and equity transactions associated with international investment, providing compliance services for cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese companies. Additionally, helping clients overcome barriers to ownership, the form of property rights, language, and culture. Establish a firewall between domestic and foreign assets and design transaction structures for mergers, acquisitions, and transactions.


Professional License

Master of Laws in Commercial Law, Nanjing University
Master of English Translation, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

Admiteed in the People's Republic of China


2015 Chinese Lawyer's Yearbook Outstanding Foreign Commercial Lawyer

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